I have participated the online Leasing Life event in 2020, how is the situation with Leaseurope event this year?
3 responses
Dusan N. asked during the live chat Join Linedata as a Sales Executive! to Linedata
Category: General
Date asked: Thursday, February 25, 2021
Last reviewed: Thursday, February 25, 2021
Jérémy D.
Group C&B, Reporting and HR Operations Manager
Hi Dusan, We are really sorry we have no one from Lending & Leasing today. As you might expect, everything changed rapidly in terms of events organization and format currently. All my appologies, I have no recent information for now...
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Dusan N.
All is good, the question just occurred to me
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Dusan N.
Thanks Jeremy
Thursday, February 25, 2021
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