Picture of How did Linedata support your career growth?

How did Linedata support your career growth?

Picture of Tacey
1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Dagnis V.

Category: Career progression

Date asked: mercredi, juillet 28, 2021

Last reviewed: lundi, août 2, 2021

Picture of Tacey T.

Tacey T.

Human Resources -Talent Acquisition Manager NA

Working in Linedata has helped me to grow a lot. There are many things that company does to help their workers to grow, one of them is process called People Development Review, where every year an individual set of objectives are selected for following year and in the end of the year they are being reviewed. Company has subscribed outsourced training platform and has also developed their own set of courses that are available for learning and developing new skills. Management has offered me to do new and more complicated tasks according to my knowledge level to promote my growth.

lundi, août 2, 2021

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