What's the biggest challenge that you face in your role and how do you overcome it?
Anonymous asked a question to Linedata
Category: Role challenge
Date asked: Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Last reviewed: Monday, March 29, 2021
Philippe P.
PM/Expert Linedata EKIP
Not easy to define the biggest challenge. I define my job as daily challenge. The challenge is to be efficient and to imagine for each situation the better solution. One of the biggest was for benchmark with my company at the beggining when we were 50 in the company and other software companies in challenge was almost 10 times bigger and favorites. We had imagine all solution to show that smaller could be better and it was a full success even everbody considerer us as not in race. Impossible is the main challenge and now for any challenge the question is not can i do it, but how can it do it and let's roll , i love that !!
Monday, March 29, 2021
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